Learning Disabilities

Please click the link to a website that will help patients with a learning disability understand what is available in Health Care.

Using Google Chrome allows you to open up the website.

If you want to speak to a doctor or nurse about any medical concern you have to please ask one of our friendly receptionists to make an appointment for you.

Safe Places In Sunderland – If You Are Feeling Vulnerable Or Unwell

Learning Disabilities Matter for Families

Please click on the link below where you will find some very useful information:

Some of the Practice Team receiving the Silver Award from the Learning Disability Team/CCG for their care given to patients with a Learning Disability

Deaf or Partially Deaf

I have recently had the pleasure to speak to a couple of patients at the surgery who are deaf. If you have any other suggestions for this page please let the Practice Manager know.

The practice thought it important that we inform you of what is available at the surgery to help deaf and partially deaf patients.

We have a practice email account [email protected] this can be used to leave messages for admin staff.

We have on-line appointments AND repeat prescriptions – ask Cath Ferguson or Chris Kennedy for a pin number and instructions for this. On-line appointments are for GP appointments only.

If you would like any individual alerts put on your records to ensure your needs are met in the best possible way please let the practice know. Our staff would be happy to meet with you with a BSL interpreter to enable this.

It would be very helpful to know what your emergency plan is for when you are ill on the day and we are unable to book an interpreter.

We have just had our induction loop checked and I am reassured this is fully functional. If you find this is not the case please let Chris Kennedy or Catherine Ferguson from our reception team know.

Our patients have given us a useful link to a website that may be of help to you.