Mental Health

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Mental Health Newsletters

Edition 3: April 2021

Mental Health Services Update: Edition 3: April 2021

Community Mental Health Transformation (CMHT)

We were informed at the beginning of the month the ICS community transformation funding bid was successful. This will enable Sunderland to draw down a fair share once clarity is received from the national team in relation to overall NHS funding regime and processes.

This will help the CMHT Group plan the future programme of activity including the co-design of new delivery models including service users.

To prepare for more detailed co-design, the CMHT Group, has begun to learn more about those services that are in the scope of the programme including Eating Disorder services, Early Intervention in Psychosis and Individual Placement (inc. Employment) Support. Moving forward, we will be seeking colleagues to join task and finish reviews. Watch this space for more formal invitations.
Paul Clitheroe

Mental Health Champions

It is reported that the training is progressing well and practices are reporting that the Mental Health First Aid and Life Worth Living courses have been beneficial. Insight into the IAPT services to be rolled out in May 2021 to Champions… look out for training dates for May.
June Pace

Mental Health Strategy

Over the last few months, Sunderland CCG have spoken to over 1,000 people, including members of the public, current and past service users and carers, staff working within mental health services, large employers in the City, Voluntary and Community Sector Organisations (VCSOs) and other key stakeholders.

We’ve pulled together all the information people have told us into a draft results report, which can be found by going to: You can let us know if you have any comments on this draft report, any questions about any of the content, or if we’re missing anything.

Please find time to share your thoughts by Thursday 1 April 2021
Lisa Forster