These Services are Available to Patients
- Age UK
- Advice and Support
- Blind / Partially Blind
- Sightline Directory
- British Sign Language
- Learn BSL from home in your own time
- Cancer SupportHelp from Macmillan
- Children and Young People
- Grace House:
providing short breaks to children and young people aged 5-17 and 11mts, living with a complex disability and Autism.
- Children and Young People
- Kooth:
this is an online Mental Health Platform for young people. Need to talk? Chat to our friendly Counsellors. - Children and Young People
- Dementia Supporting people with dementia and their carers
- Sunderland Foodbank Helping local people in crisis
- Homelessness
- Centre Point:
Are you homeless, sofa surfing or at risk? – Get Help Now - Homelessness
- Street care Love Thy Neighbour as Thyself:
Streetcare, the volunteer support group. - Hub of Hope The Hub of Hope is the world’s first of this kind mental health database, bringing grassroots and national mental health services together in one place for the first time ever.
- Learning and Activities Adult Learning: Access more career and life opportunities with our extensive range of courses for adults.
- Mental Health Support Sunderland MIND:
- Sunderland Mind strives and continues to work and develop ways of working with people experiencing emotional or mental health problems/issues in sunderland
- Mental Health SupportSamaritans:
How we can help: Talk to someone, on the phone, by email, write a letter or find a branch.
Tel: 0330 094 5717 - Mental Health SupportPsychological Wellbeing Service:
A city wide team providing quick access to assessment and a range of psychological treatment interventions to those people with common mental health problems who have a low to moderate level of need.
Adults Tel: 0800 652 2867
Children and Young People Tel: 0800 652 2867
- Pregnancy/Maternity
- Mums & Dads: Dads Matter
Dads Matter UK provides support for Dads worried about or suffering from Depression, Anxiety and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) - Pregnancy/Maternity
- Mums & Dads:Supporting Dads
Being a new Dad: the early days - Pregnancy/Maternity
- Mums & Dads:Postnatal Depression
Postnatal depression is a type of depression that many parents experience after having a baby - Pregnancy/Maternity
- Breastfeeding:
A mother’s story “I knew I wanted to breastfeed my baby. I knew it was natural. So I was surprised when baby James and I could not seem to get the hang of it. I phoned a Breastfeeding Supporter. She gave us some good ideas about how I was sitting and holding James. But most of all it was good to have someone to talk to.”
- Pregnancy/Maternity
- First Time Parents:
You’ve gone through pregnancy, labor, and delivery, and now you’re ready to go home and begin life with your baby. Once home, though, you might feel like you have no idea what you’re doing! - Pregnancy/Maternity
- Tips for New Parents:
As a new parent, you’re bound to have questions on everything from getting started with breastfeeding to washing and bathing your baby and changing their nappy. - Pregnancy/Maternity
- Recovery after Birth:
After you’ve made and delivered a human your body has to recover. It’s time to take care of yourself as well as your baby. - Pregnancy: Keeping Fit
- Pelvic Floor Exercises:
Pelvic floor strengthening exercises for women - Pregnancy: Keeping Fit
- First 6 Weeks after Birth:
You certainly won’t be running marathons at this point. But walking is an excellent way to ease yourself back into fitness. - Pregnancy: Keeping Fit
- Keeping Fit and Healthy:
When you’re feeling tired, being active may seem like the last thing you want to do. But regular activity can relax you, keep you fit and help you feel more energetic. It can also help your body recover after childbirth and may help prevent postnatal depression. - Pregnancy: Keeping Fit
- After Caesarean:
A caesarean is a major operation, so don’t push yourself too soon. The first six weeks after the operation is a time for healing. However, you can safely start doing your pelvic floor exercises as soon as you feel up to it after your baby’s birth. - Pregnancy: Keeping Fit
- Couch to 5K – Week by Week:
A week-by-week description of the 9-week set of Couch to 5K podcasts. Each week involves 3 runs. You can download each week as a podcast from iTunes or Google Play - Stop Suicide
- It’s Good to Talk – Do you need support?:
If you are struggling to cope, because of issues with your mental health or difficult life circumstances, you don’t have to keep it to yourself. Reaching out to talk to someone about your problems or worries is the first step to getting help and dealing with them, and you should feel no shame or embarrassment for doing so.
- Support
- Rape | Domestic Violence | Sexual Health:
Sunderland Womens Centre - Support
- Rape | Domestic Violence | Sexual Health:
R.E.A.C.H. : If you require help and support relating to a sexual offence please call our 24/7 Crisis Support Service on 03333 448 283. - Support
- Rape | Domestic Violence | Sexual Health:
Sunderland Action for Health: Sexual Health Services and Contraceptive Services - Support
- Rape | Domestic Violence | Sexual Health:
Sunderland Genitourinary Medicine (GUM) Service. The Sunderland Genitourinary Medicine (GUM) or Sexual Health service is FREE and confidential and is open to all ages (13 years and older) and sexualities.
- Welfare Support
- Citizens Advice Sunderland:
There is a lot of online and self help materials available which may be able to answer your query without the need to contact us. Simply click on the title for more information. However, if you’re unsure about anything, you can visit one of our drop in sessions or call us on 0300 330 1194 - Veterans
- Sunderland Armed Forces Network (SAFN):
The SAFN is instrumental is ensuring care and assistance is available for the Armed Forces Community. - Veterans: In Crisis Welcome to Veterans in Crisis Sunderland. If you – or someone you know in Sunderland – is a veteran and you need help, we will be very pleased to hear from you.
- Veterans: Help for Heroes Help for Heroes was founded by Bryn and Emma Parry OBE to provide lifetime support to those wounded in the service of their country. No matter when someone served, we believe that those prepared to put their lives second, deserve a second chance at life. Every course and activity we offer aims to empower them to look beyond illness and injury, regain their purpose, reach their potential and have a positive impact on society.