Breast Screening
Did you know that breast screening is the best way to detect breast cancers early, when they are more easily treatable and before any signs or symptoms appear. So even if you feel fit and healthy, it’s really important that you still attend when invited.
Having a mammogram is nothing to worry about. It’s quick and easy and only takes 10 minutes and the friendly staff are on hand if you do have any concerns. So if you’re a women aged between 50-71, look out for your invitation letter coming through the post (every 3 years) and please, don’t ignore it, it could save your life.
For more information visit
And if you’ve missed your appointment or need to change it for whatever reason, don’t worry, just contact your local screening centre to book another appointment at a date and time to suit you. Tel: 0191 445 2554
#GatesheadHealth #breastscreening #breastcancer #selfcare #earlydetectionsaveslives